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Title: Социальные общности в конституционном праве Республики Беларусь
Authors: Шахновская, И. В.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Полоцкий государственный университет
Citation: Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия D, Экономические и юридические науки. - 2015. - № 13. – С. 150-154.
Abstract: На основании изучения современной конституционно-правовой доктрины систематизируются научные подходы по вопросу соотношения таких субъектов конституционного права, как «социальная общность» и «организация».= Addresses issues of social commonalities in constitutional law. The necessity of referring all collective groups (both formalized and non-formalized) to a more collective concept of “social community”. Based on the analysis of constitutional law focuses on the understanding of the category “rights and freedoms” in full, by incorporating both individual rights of man and of the citizen and collective rights. Based on the study of modern constitutional law doctrine systematizes the scientific approaches to the correlation of such subjects of constitutional law as a “social community” and “organization”. Indicates differences in the legal status of certain types of collective actors (social communities). It is noted that social communities as the subjects of constitutional law should include political parties, religious organizations, associations of employers, trade unions, national communities, national minorities, sexual minorities, Assembly of citizens, initiative groups of citizens for the realization of the right of legislative initiative, etc.
Keywords: Конституционное (государственное) право
Субъекты конституционного права
metadata.dc.rights: open access
Appears in Collections:2015, № 13

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