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dc.contributor.authorБичанин, В. В.-
dc.identifier.citationВестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия D, Экономические и юридические науки. - 2015. - № 13. – С. 15-24.ru_RU
dc.descriptionCompetitiveness Management of an Enterprise V. Bichaninru_RU
dc.description.abstractНациональная экономика. Показаны основные организационно-управленческие, экономико-стратегические пути и направления решения проблемы конкурентоспособности. = In the conditions of formation and intensive internationalization and foreign markets globalization competitiveness problems of the national economy, industries and business entities are considered. The basic organizational- administrative, economic and strategic direction of the way and problem solving of competitiveness are shown. Attention is drawn to the ambiguous glossary and scientific schools of the concept “competition”, multifactorial nature of determining the competitiveness of the goods of the enterprise, the need to strengthen the analysis, competitive analysis to identify competitive advantages in the planning of market competition strategy. The existing methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of goods and enterprises on the example of Russian machine-building industry, automobile associations and agricultural engineering Belarus are studied. The practical need to strengthen the roles and responsibilities of departments and services of the economic block, management and marketing of enterprise-prises in strategic planning is substantiated.ru_RU
dc.publisherПолоцкий государственный университетru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofВеснік Полацкага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. Серыя D, Эканамічныя і юрыдычныя навукіbe_BE
dc.relation.ispartofHerald of Polotsk State University. Series D, Economics and law sciencesen_EN
dc.relation.ispartofВестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия D, Экономические и юридические наукиru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesСерия D, Экономические и юридические науки;2015. - № 13-
dc.rightsopen accessru_RU
dc.subjectЭкономика (теория)ru_RU
dc.subjectРыночная стратегияru_RU
dc.subjectКонкурентоспособность товаровru_RU
dc.subjectНациональная экономикаru_RU
dc.titleУправление конкурентоспособностью предприятияru_RU
Appears in Collections:2015, № 13

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