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dc.contributor.authorКондрашова, Г. А.-
dc.identifier.citationВестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия E, Педагогические науки. - 2015. - № 15. - С. 55-58.ru_RU
dc.descriptionSocial Facilitation as Stimulus to Ommunication in Auditorium G. Kondrashovaru_RU
dc.description.abstractРассмотрена проблема использования социальной фасилитации как стимула к коммуникации в рамках образовательного процесса при преподавании иностранного языка. = The given article deals with the problem of using the psychological phenomenon of social facilitation within the process of education, particularly, while teaching a foreign language. The aim of attracting the resources of the psychological science to the pedagogical sphere is to stimulate students` communication in the auditorium. The article gives the definition of social facilitation and reveals the essence of using it in the educational process. The principles of students` educational process organization in the condition of social facilitation are given: the principle of optimal correlation of the task complexity with social presence facilitating effect, the principle of present “outsiders” superiority, the principle of periodicity. Possible modes of educational work organization in the condition of social facilitation are given. The requirements to the interaction of the educational process subjects in the condition of social facilitation are enumerated as well as the forms of social presence in the auditorium organization.ru_RU
dc.publisherПолоцкий государственный университетru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofВеснік Полацкага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. Серыя E, Педагагічныя навукіbe_BE
dc.relation.ispartofHerald of Polotsk State University. Series E, Pedagogical Sciencesen_EN
dc.relation.ispartofВестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия E, Педагогические наукиru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesСерия E, Педагогические науки;2015. - № 15-
dc.rightsopen accessru_RU
dc.subjectИностранный языкru_RU
dc.subjectСоциальная фасилитацияru_RU
dc.subjectпроцесс преподаванияru_RU
dc.titleСоциальная фасилитация как стимул к коммуникации в учебной аудиторииru_RU
Appears in Collections:2015, № 15

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