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Title: Сакральныя азёры Вiцебска-Пскоўскага памежжа: сiмвалiчны статус у мiфапаэтычнай карцiне свету
Authors: Лобач, У. А.
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Лобач, У.А. Сакральныя азёры Вiцебска-Пскоўскага памежжа: сiмвалiчны статус у мiфапаэтычнай карцiне свету // Białorutenistyka białostocka : [rocznik naukowo-teoretyczny, poświęcony badaniom nad literaturą, językiem, historią i kulturą białoruską]. - T. 8. — Białystok : Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, 2016― С. 373-389.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the symbolic status of the sacred lakes in the traditional picture of the world of the rural population of the Belarusian- Russian (Pskov-Vitebsk) borderlands. The analysis of folklore materials shows that sacred lakes often relate to the folk motif “the temple which fell through the ground”. The lake sacralization may result from unusual (medical or hazardous) properties of its water. However, none of the holy lake of borderlands is an object of worship in sacred geography because the lakes are not included in the ritual practices of the calendar cycle. Legendary lakes perform informational function and reflect the events of mythological history within the local community.
Keywords: Государственный рубрикатор НТИ - ВИНИТИ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::История. Исторические науки
Традыцыйная культура
Культурны ландшафт
Міфалогія прасторы
Belarusian-Russian borderland
Traditional sulture
Sacred lake
Cultural landscape
Mythological picture of the world
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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