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Results 51-60 of 262 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Effect of Ion Implantation on the Adhesion of Positive Diazoquinone-Novolak Photoresist Films to Single-Crystal SiliconVabishchevich, S.; Brinkevich, S.; Prosolovich, V.; Vabishchevich, N.; Brinkevich, D.
2019Численное моделирование эволюции энергетических характеристик процесса тепловой обработки композитного бетонного изделияНияковский, А. М.; Романюк, В. Н.; Чичко, А. Н.; Яцкевич, Ю. В.; Niyakovskiy, A.; Romanyuk, V.; Chichko, A.; Yatskevich, Yu.
2020The relationship of value and life-meaning orientations of modern students with pedagogical technologies of educational activitiesAndryewskaja, S.; Bryksa, Y.; Khudziakov, A.; Kiryienka, A.
2015On the finite groups whose Sylow 3-subgroup normalizes a Sylow 3′-subgroupPal’chik, E.
2017Modified hybrid genetic algorithm of discreet optimization problemsGlukhov, A.; Glukhov, D.; Trofimov, V.; Trofimova, L.
2015Supersonic plasma and wear-resistant nickel alloy coatingsShveikin, G.; Rudenskaya, N.; Sokolova, N.; Kuz'min, V.; Kartaev, E.; Sergachev, D.
2021Investigation of the structure of cement conglomeratesShabanov, D.; Trambitsky, E.; Borovkova, E.
2021Development of voluntary behaviour of senior preschool children using gamification in physical education lessonsLutkovskaya, O.; Rusak, T.; Pilimon, O.; Strunina, N.; Yurchenko, V.; Dovzhik, I.
2020Adopting the Discovery Method to Develop Linguistic Competence Among International Students: Experience from Russia and BelarusGirfanova, K.; Anufryienka, L.; Kavaliova, A.
2019Polymer-modifier for the road bitumen manufacture of the fourth generationLebedzeva, T.; Bulauka, Y.