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dc.contributor.authorGrinchik, N.-
dc.contributor.authorAdamovich, A.-
dc.contributor.authorKizina, O.-
dc.contributor.authorKharma, U.-
dc.identifier.citationGrinchik, N. N. Modeling of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Wood in Finish Drying by the Energy of a Microwave Field / N. N. Grinchik, A. L. Adamovich, O. A. Kizina, U. M. Kharma // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics – 2015. - Vol. 88, No. 1. – P. 35–41ru_RU
dc.descriptionГринчик Н. Н. Моделирование переноса тепла и влаги в древесине при завершении сушки энергией микроволнового поля / Н. Н. Гринчик, А. Л. Адамович, О. А. Кизина, У. М. Харма // Журнал технической физики и теплофизики - 2015. 88, № 1. - С. 35-41ru_RU
dc.description.abstractA physicomathematical model of heat and moisture transfer in drying materials in the region below the hygroscopicity limit, including also the heating by the energy of a microwave field, has been developed. The developed system of equations has been solved numerically for three cases of drying of a wooden plate: convective drying, drying by the microfield-field energy, and drying combining the above two methods, i.e., combined drying. Results of numerical calculations of the temperature, vapor-pressure, and moisture-content distributions in the cross section of the plate at different instants of time, and also of the change in the average moisture content and temperature in the process of drying, have been presented. The calculation results have been analyzed; conclusions on the differences and distinctive features of convective, microwave, and combined heating and drying have been drawn.ru_RU
dc.subjectГосударственный рубрикатор НТИ - ВИНИТИ::ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ И ТОЧНЫЕ НАУКИ::Физикаru_RU
dc.subjectMoisture contentru_RU
dc.subjectConvective heatingru_RU
dc.subjectMicrowave dryingru_RU
dc.subjectCombined heating and dryingru_RU
dc.titleModeling of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Wood in Finish Drying by the Energy of a Microwave Fieldru_RU
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