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dc.contributor.authorBaklan, U.en
dc.contributor.authorBurachonak, I.en
dc.identifier.citationBaklan, U. The concept of developing a communication service for students, administration and potential employers / U. Baklan, I. Burachonak // European and National Dimension in Research = Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях : electronic collected materials of XIII Junior Researchers' Conference, Novopolotsk, May 17-21, 2021 : in 3 parts / Ministry of Education of Belarus, Polotsk State University ; ed. Dr. Yury Holubeu [et al.]. - Novopolotsk : PSU, 2021. - Part 3 : Technology. - P.
dc.description.abstractImproving efficiency of production systems is the main task of each manufacturing enterprise, and ensuring the coordinated work of all production links is the main goal of operational and production planning. This article discusses the need and relevance of the development and research of methods for optimizing the production process.ru_RU
dc.publisherПолоцкий государственный университетru_RU
dc.titleThe concept of developing a communication service for students, administration and potential employersru_RU
Appears in Collections:European and National Dimension in Research. Technology. 2021

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