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dc.contributor.authorЦветков, Ю. Л.ru_RU
dc.identifier.citationЦветков, Ю. Л. Александр Александрович Гугнин и литература венского модерна / Ю. Л. Цветков // Гугнинские чтения [Электронный ресурс]: электронный сборник статей I Международной научной конференции, Полоцк, 5–6 мая 2022 г. / Полоцкий государственный университет имени Евфросинии Полоцкой. – Новополоцк, 2022. – С. 28-35.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractУ артыкуле на прыкладзе «Празаічнай Эды» Сноры Стурлусана разглядаецца спецыфіка перакладу старажытнаісландскай літаратуры на беларускую мову. Абгрунтоўваецца аб’ектыўная немагчымасць поўнага перакладу зборніка праз асаблівасці скальдычнай паэзіі і надзвычай багатыя сінанімічныя шэрагі старажытнаісландскай мовы. Вялікая ўвага ўдзяляецца праблеме адэкватнай перадачы на беларускую мову гульні словаў арыгінальнага тэксту, пабудаванай на аманіміі.ru_RU
dc.publisherПолоцкий государственный университет имени Евфросинии Полоцкойru_RU
dc.titleАлександр Александрович Гугнин и литература венского модернаru_RU
dc.description.alternativeThe article considers in detail the term "modern" (die Moderne), new for Russian and Belarusian literary studies, first introduced in the German-speaking aesthetics by F. Schlegel. A. A. Gugnin's interest in the concept of modern is determined by his development of the concept of historical and contextual method in literary studies. The understanding of "modern" categorically does not coincide with the "Art Nouveau style" widely represented in art history as a designation of formal features in architecture and art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The genesis of the aesthetic discourse of "modern" as an epoch and ideology is presented in macroand microrefraction, which allows us to call the "Viennese modern" (1890-1910) a micro epoch of mature (or historical) modern, in which the energy currents of future modernism (a concept generally accepted in our literary studies) were clearly identified: denial of logocentrism, affirmation of the reality of subjective consciousness, sensualism and phenomenalism in philosophy, comprehension of the unconscious depths of personality in psychology, the concept of overcoming the naturalism of Hermann Bahr and the writers of "Young Vienna", as well as the achievements of the artists of "Secession", architects, theater directors and actors of Vienna, who have received worldwide recognition. For all the self-sufficiency and naturalness of the concept of "modern" in the works of Germanspeaking researchers, it, in the fair opinion of A. A. Gugnin, cannot be the ultimate truth.ru_RU
Appears in Collections:Гугнинские чтения. 2022

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