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dc.contributor.authorДубровина, А. Д.-
dc.contributor.authorБанзекуливахо, М. Ж.-
dc.identifier.citationСборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2014" / В. А. Богуш (председатель) [и др.] .- Минск : Издательский центр БГУ, 2015. - С. .266-267.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractRelevance of articles due to the need in modern conditions to the development of adaptive dynamic socio-economic environment, methods of supply chain management using balanced scorecard methodology based on the use of economic security as a micro-and macro-level. The efficiency of applying the model of supply chain management with analysis of the balanced scorecard is a comprehensive analysis of all components of the business to meet the most important key performance indicators, which is possible due to the total control over all business processes and work of each employee. As such substantiated financial performance indicators, as well as indicators of the level of customer satisfaction, staff, efficiency of business processesru_RU
dc.publisherИздательский центр БГУru_RU
dc.subjectНИРС 2014ru_RU
dc.subjectЭкономические наукиru_RU
dc.subjectцепь поставокru_RU
dc.subjectлауреаты конкурсовru_RU
dc.titleОценка эффективности управления цепями поставок в организации (на предприятии) с помощью системы сбалансированных показателей и бенчмаркинговой модели логистических цепочекru_RU
Appears in Collections:НИР студентов

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