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Title: Polotsk State University in the Educational Space of Polotsk Region
Authors: Barun, A.
Dauhiala, N.
Dauhiala, D.
Natallia, H.
Andryewskaja, S.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Atlantis Press
Citation: Alena, Barun & Natallia, Dauhiala & Dzmitry, Dauhiala & Hryshanava, Natallia & Sviatlan, Andryewskaja. (2020). Polotsk State University in the Educational Space of Polotsk Region. 10.2991/aebmr.k.200324.094.
Abstract: The article considers the role of university education in the regional space. It is proved that the regional university is faced with the task of working out a qualitatively new educational policy, as well as the fact that the mutual influence of the university and the region is one of the leading factors of regional development. The university provides an influx of young people into the region from other areas, leading to an increase in the number of young specialists who are actively involved in new areas of the economy. Polotsk State University is a major educational, scientific and cultural centre of the northern region of the Republic of Belarus. It has a direct impact on the improvement of the quality of life in Polotsk region, providing a wide and diverse range of professional, educational, cultural and leisure services to its population, especially young people, and organizing various types of vocational training and retraining of employees in accordance with the demand of the region for a particular profession and specialty. In addition, the university concentrates the bulk of scientific research of fundamental importance for the sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of the region.
Keywords: university
regional development
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.2991/aebmr.k.200324.094
Appears in Collections:История ПГУ в публикациях
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