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Title: Composites Based on Organic Materials and Methods of Remote Control of their Quality During Exploitation
Authors: Yagubkin, A.
Jinbin, Y.
Zhixu, Zh.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Полоцкий государственный университет
Citation: Yagubkin, A. COMPOSITES BASED ON ORGANIC MATERIALS AND METHODS OF REMOTE CONTROL OF THEIR QUALITY DURING EXPLOITATION / A. Yagubkin, Y. Jinbin, Zh. Zhixu // Архитектурно-строительный комплекс: проблемы, перспективы, инновации : электронный сборник статей III международной научной конференции, Новополоцк, 29–30 апр. 2021 г. / Полоц. гос. ун-т ; Редкол.: Д. Н. Лазовский (председ.) [и др.]. – Новополоцк, 2021. – С. 211-215.
Abstract: Green building is gaining more and more activity in the world. A number of countries are already intro-ducing environmental design and construction standards. Such indicators as environmental friendliness, economy, energy efficiency, ensuring a healthy lifestyle and comfort are increasingly coming to the fore. Microscopic analysis of wood concrete cement stone with various additives was carried out. A schematic diagram of software for remote material quality control is proposed. The main approaches to monitoring the state of building materials or structures, incl. made of wood concrete or other organic materials.
Keywords: Composites
Organic materials
Remote control
Green building
URI: https://elib.psu.by/handle/123456789/28121
Appears in Collections:Архитектурно-строительный комплекс: проблемы, перспективы, инновации. 2021

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