European and National Dimension in Research. Humanities. 2016 : [57] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 57
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The role or parent-child relationship in the development of the personality of a preschool childKliukina, D.; Zhukova, T.
2016Damage recovery and compensation as methods of judicial protection of industrial property on the InternetKazlouskaya, V.; Maroz, U.
2016Forms of participation of the president in the legislative process (Republic of Belarus and foreign countries)Kiryakova, I.
2016Corruption offenses according to the legislation of the CIS countriesRemniova, T.; Vegera, I.
2016Using computers in teaching foreign vocabularyRomanovskaya, A.; Sirotkina, M.
2016Essence of the fraudulent bankruptcyMalinina, D.; Dekhtyarov, E.
2016Prevention of family violenceKatushonok, O.; Homich, V.
2016Distance learning of foreign languages and its psychological aspectsZaidava, H.; Piatrova, A.
2016The advantages of the technique of overcoming negative emotionsZaidava, H.; Astapchuk, S.
2016Reduction of naughty behavior of preschool children by means of playKasevich, E.; Chernyavskaya, M.; Zhukova, T.
2016Some phonetic pecularities of major English dialectsTkachenko, P.; Potapova, E.
2016Creative potential of student's identity development in the real educational environment of higher education institutionsIvanova, A.
2016National aspects in contemporary constitutionsIvanovich, K.; Shcherbik, D.
2016Leadership and its historyAnufryenka, L.
2016Colour term УwhiteФ and emotions in EnglishLashch, M.; Poutrova, M.
2016Video resources in teaching listening skillsBaranova, N.; Sirotkina, M.
2016Students’ attitudes towards homosexualityHrytskevich, A.; Astapchuk, S.
2016The little man theme in O. Henry’s short storiesYukhnevich, K.; Svidrytskaya, I.
2016T. S. Eliot’s poetry research using historic-contextual methodBaltrukova, A.; Gugnin, A.
2016Entity as a subject of crimes against environmental safety and environmentGolosui, A.; Vegera, I.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 57