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Title: Redundant control method for yaw overload protection of wind turbine
Authors: Zheng Jiebin
Chertkov, V.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Полоцкий государственный университет
Citation: Zheng Jiebin Redundant control method for yaw overload protection of wind turbine / Zheng Jiebin, V. Chertkov // European and National Dimension in Research = Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях : electronic collected materials of XIII Junior Researchers' Conference, Novopolotsk, May 17-21, 2021 : in 3 parts / Ministry of Education of Belarus, Polotsk State University ; ed. Dr. Yury Holubeu [et al.]. - Novopolotsk : PSU, 2021. - Part 3 : Technology. - P. 171-173.
Abstract: The article considers the possibility of using hydrophobic coatings on the internal surfaces of main transport equipment to reduce the wettability zone and hydraulic roughness. This coating can be used on pipelines, pump impellers to reduce energy consumption. It was concluded that it is necessary to study further the theoretical and practical aspects of hydrophobization and the introduction of this method in large-scale production.
Appears in Collections:European and National Dimension in Research. Technology. 2021

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