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Название: Figurative realization of the subject of solitude in Hermann Hesse’s works: the wolf image
Авторы: Sapega, V.
Gugnin, A.
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: Полоцкий государственный университет
Библиографическое описание: Sapega, V. Figurative realization of the subject of solitude in Hermann Hesse’s works: the wolf image / V. Sapega, A. Gugnin // European and National Dimension in Research = Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях : electronic collected materials of IX Junior Researchers' Conference, Novopolotsk, April 26-27, 2017 : in 3 parts / Ministry of Education of Belarus, Polotsk State University ; ed. D. Lazouski [et al.]. - Novopolotsk : PSU, 2017. - Part 1 : Humanities. - P. 10-13.
Аннотация: The issue which is put under the consideration is the artistic realization of the solitude subject in H. Hesse’s works through the analysis of the wolf image interpretation in the novels "Steppenwolf" and "Journey to the East". It is shown that the given image was used by the writer to reveal the lonesome and extremely complicated soul of an artist. The wolf image is analyzed from mythological, philosophical and psychological aspects. The mythological component of the given image implies the charactersТ feeling of disharmony with the environment and society, ferocity, rudeness towards people. From the point of view of philosophy the wolf nature of characters is a sign of lone geniuses standing out from the crowd of everymen. The psychological component of the image refers a reader to the characters subconscious, to the unconsciously instinctive power. And as soon as a person releases this power they may find spiritual harmony.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.psu.by/handle/123456789/36730
Располагается в коллекциях:European and National Dimension in Research. Humanities. 2017

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