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Title: Person re-identification accuracy improvement by training a CNN with the new large joint dataset and re-rank
Authors: Bohush, R.
Ihnatsyeva, S.
Ablameyko, S.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: SGGW
Citation: Bohush, R. Person re-identification accuracy improvement by training a CNN with the new large joint dataset and re-rank / R. Bohush, S. Ihnatsyeva, S. Ablameyko // Machine Graphics and Vision. – 2022. – Vol. 31(1/4). – P. 93–109.
Abstract: The paper is aimed to improve person re-identification accuracy in distributed video surveillance systems based on constructing a large joint image dataset of people for training convolutional neural networks (CNN). For this aim, an analysis of existing datasets is provided. Then, a new large joint dataset for person re-identification task is constructed that includes the existing public datasets CUHK02, CUHK03, Market, Duke, MSMT17 and PolReID. Testing for re-identification is performed for such frequently cited CNNs as ResNet-50, DenseNet121 and PCB. Re-identification accuracy is evaluated by using the main metrics Rank, mAP and mINP. The use of the new large joint dataset makes it possible to improve Rank1 mAP, mINP on all test sets. Re-ranking is used to further increase the re-identification accuracy. Presented results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Appears in Collections:Публикации в Scopus и Web of Science
Машинное обучение. Обработкой изображений и видео. Интеллектуальные системы. Информационная безопасность

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