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Title: European Integration and the Churches
Authors: Mudrov, S.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Citation: Mudrov, S. A. (2023) “European Integration and the Churches,” in Segers, M. and Van Hecke, S. (eds) The Cambridge History of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The Cambridge History of the European Union), pp. 659–682. doi: 10.1017/9781108780865.027.
Abstract: The principal theories of European integration (neo-functionalism, intergovernmentalism and social constructivism) have been rather silent about the presence and role of the religious factor in the process of unification of Europe. Such an approach, based on a certain underestimation of religion, seems to be unjustifiable nowadays, since it has become evident that the religious component of European integration appears in various forms and formats. For instance, some Protestants regard this integration as a religious ‘plot’, usually of the Roman Catholic Church, aiming at the construction of a new European Catholic empire and the undermining of Protestantism. Also, the religious dimension was one of the most controversial and fiercely debated issues at the time of drafting the European Constitution, namely the inclusion in the text of the reference to the Christian inheritance of Europe, or the reference to God. The religious or religion-related arguments played an important role in the debates on the EU membership of the largest ‘newcomer’ of the 2004 enlargement (Poland), and in the discussion in Ireland on the referendums on the Lisbon Treaty in 2008 and 2009. Finally, the importance of religion has been confirmed in the referendums on EU membership, including the 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum in the United Kingdom.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1017/9781108780865.027
Appears in Collections:Публикации в Scopus и Web of Science

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