European and National Dimension in Research. Humanities. 2017 : [70] Главная страница коллекции Просмотр статистики

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Просмотр коллекции (Сортировка по дате публикации в порядке убывания): от 1 до 20 из 70
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The organization and meaning of the basic technique training of volleyball under the program "Mini volleyball"Kravtsovа, O.; Pozdnyak, N.
2017The system of customs authorities in the Belarusian SSR in 1920-1930 years: formation and developmentNashchynets, K.; Litvin, A.
2017The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857-1859 and the attitude of representatives of various social thoughts to itShpet, M.; Krotov, A.
2017Social problematic and artistic peculiarites of the novel "Effi Briest" by Theodor FontaneLinkevich, A.; Hardziayonak, T.
2017Peculiarities of authorial masks used by W.M. Thackeray in his worksShyshkova, N.; Kondakov, D.
2017The role of territorial identity in local developmentShteyer, V.; Tihanava, L.
2017Physical fitness dynamics of secondary school childrenLutkovska, O.; Zimnitskaya, R.
2017Factors that influenced the formation of the BSSRSidareika, I.
2017Creating and presenting visual aids effectivelyBondar, V.; Chebotareva, E.
2017Teaching in a digital age: new formats of educational process organizationFedorovich, N.; Butkevich, V.
2017Administrative process and its place in the system of national lawNuzhdzina, A.
2017Teaching reading in primary school: problems and solutionsMugako, S.; Sirotkina, M.
2017Photo as subject of copyrightNesterenko, E.
2017Teaching methods and techniques for improving the quality of training of engineering studentsVakulchyk, V.; Matelenak, A.
2017Guarantees of implementation of the constitutional right to educationKovalchuk, P.; Shahnovskaya, I.
2017Distribution of family rolesKaluhina, H.; Astapchuk, S.
2017National lagislation in the spere of atomic energy use in the Republic of BelarusMalinovskaya, A.; Bogonenko, V.
2017State power of Rzech Pospolita during the crisis of XVIII centuryValevko, A.; Dovnar, T.
2017Swedish democrats: nationalists in the past and todayZakharov, M.
2017Morals imperatives reflection in the constitution of the Republic of BelarusKatsiankou, Y.
Просмотр коллекции (Сортировка по дате публикации в порядке убывания): от 1 до 20 из 70