European and National Dimension in Research. Humanities. 2019 : [72] Главная страница коллекции Просмотр статистики

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Просмотр коллекции (Сортировка по дате публикации в порядке убывания): от 1 до 20 из 72
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Socio-demografic historical and statistical study of the 18th century Voronetskaya volost’of the Opochetsky uyezd of the Pskov provinceIvanova, A.; Matsevich, S.
2019The crisis of the communist party of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991 (according to the materials of the Novopolotsk committee of the CPSU)Kozlov, A.; Glazyrin, E.
2019Applicability of cultural and social values research based on ingleharts’s theory of evolutionary modernizationLong, M.; Glushenko, O.
2019Tourist booklet as a vector of intercultural communication (on the example of the bilingual tourist booklet “the botanical garden of Pskov”)Ipolitova, M.; Pitolina, N.
2019Liberation of Polack in the summer of 1944 as reflected in the memories of the participants of these eventsMalei, I.; Korsak, A.
2019Franco-german cooperation within european scientific institutionsLoseva, Y.; Keller, O.
2019Activities Bigosovo children's home in 1944-1954 yearsShkliar, P.; Sumko, E.
2019Ricarda Huch – an unfairly forgotten “Kingdom of mind domina”Slizhykava, S.; Hardziayonak, T.
2019Genres, participants and chronotope of the sports discourse through the example of the English football reportageAvetyan, A.; Pitolina, N.
2019The problem of privacy boundaries on the InternetKvashnina, K.; Krivolap, A.
2019Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resourcesBabkova, N.; Savitskaya, K.
2019Contract matches in football: problems of identification and responsibilityIvanova, A.; Maksimeniuk, V.
2019Gender expertise of legal acts in the law-making processSalauyou, P.; Pliakhimovich, I.
2019A robot is a subject or an object from the perspective of the civil law of the Republic of BelarusSinkevich, A.; Savitskaya, K.
2019The formation of historical knowledge and understanding in pupils of the auxiliary school the diagnostic basisBuychenok, E.; Shwed, M.
2019Computer game character as an object of intellectual propertyAkachonak, M.; Savitskaya, K.
2019Intercultural communication and English in the process of globalizationLon, A.; Taliaronak, K.
2019Оn the question of distinction between «evaluation» and «evaluativity» in axiologyGladkova, O.; Kleimenova, V.
2019The concept and content of the right to healthDorina, V.; Shcherbik, D.
2019Constitutional and legal balance between the interests of the individual and the state in the information sphere: using telegram messenger as an exampleOlesko, S.; Solovyov, P.
Просмотр коллекции (Сортировка по дате публикации в порядке убывания): от 1 до 20 из 72