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Title: Approaches to standardizing the bank's risk management system
Authors: Kasevich, O.
Stroganova, I.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Полоцкий государственный университет
Citation: Kasevich, O. Approaches to standardizing the bank's risk management system / O. Kasevich, I. Stroganova // European and National Dimension in Research = Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях : electronic collected materials of XIII Junior Researchers’ Conference, Novopolotsk, May 17-21, 2021 : in 3 parts / Ministry of Education of Belarus, Polotsk State University ; ed. Dr. Yury Holubeu [et al.]. - Novopolotsk : PSU, 2021. - Part 2 : Economics. - P. 133-134.
Abstract: In an unstable environment, the theoretical foundations and standards of the banking risk management system will help to avoid a significant negative deviation from the planned performance indicators of the bank as a result of the "implementation" of risks, and in a crisis - to avoid bankruptcy, to overcome the crisis situation with minimal losses.
Appears in Collections:European and National Dimension in Research. Economics. 2021

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