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Название: Spectrum Hole Prediction in LTE-Based Cognitive Radio System Using Kolmogorov-Arnold Network
Авторы: Bohush, R.
Adamovskiy, Y.
Naumovish, N.
Дата публикации: 2024
Издатель: IOS Press
Библиографическое описание: Bohush, R. Spectrum Hole Prediction in LTE-Based Cognitive Radio System Using Kolmogorov-Arnold Network / R. Bohush, Y. Adamovskiy, N. Naumovish // Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computer Simulation : proceedings of the 4th International Conference (AMMCS 2024), Wuhan, China, 17-18 August 2024 / ed.: Chi-Hua Chen [et al.]. – [Wuhan], 2024. – P. 333–340.
Аннотация: This paper examines the problem of channel resource occupancy prediction using Radio Environment Maps (REM) based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) for a cognitive communication system. REM is a spatiotemporal database in the form of a resource grid with passing traffic in cells. For prediction, the Kolmogorov-Arnold network (KAN) architecture is used. A model structure has been developed that collects data, trains and tests KAN. The predictive model control algorithm is implemented in Python. MatLab was used to prepare input data and implement the LTE simulation model. Experiments are carried out and results of free channel resource prediction based on KAN and long-term memory are presented.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.psu.by/handle/123456789/46276
DOI: 10.3233/ATDE240776
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации в Scopus и Web of Science
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